Isaiah 59:1

“Indeed, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear.”
Isaiah 59:1
Is there any question to the Lord’s ability to reach… (insert any name here, any city, any industry, any loved one, any circumstance). No. “Indeed, the Lord’s hand is not too short”. But then why are so many in desperate conditions and so many still crying out for an answer? Is it possible our hands are too short and our ears too deaf?
Our judgments too often cause us to withdraw our hands to one who is lost and unlovely. Our ears too easily become selective to what we hear as we ignore the unpleasantries of audible anguish expressed by people we do not know, (or even wish to know).
There are many versions of lost, distressed, and noisy people, all whom God Loves! All whom He desires to touch, save, rescue, respond, comfort, and fill with His unending, unfailing Love. He has no limits to His hand, His ear, His Love!
Today, remember that your hands are His hands to reach those in need. Today, your ears are His ears to hear the cries of all peoples and respond with Love. There is a family member, a neighbor, a community, a co-worker, a world all around you who has a need, even if it’s simply to be heard and loved. Mankind is worthy of our ears! His hand is not too short, may His hand flow through you. His ear is never deaf, may you be His hearers (ones who listen with the intention of loving), those who cry out.
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